
What the pluck!?

The age old question that has been asked time and time again. Well, maybe not exactly… If my headline caught your eye but you’re not exactly sure what the pluck I’m talking about, then I’ll let you in on a hot industry topic. Is it safe to get your dogs ears plucked? If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, I’d guess your dog has never had its ears plucked.

Ear plucking is pretty self explanatory. Someone, be it your vet, your groomer or maybe even you, is gently plucking the hair that grows inside your dogs ear canal. Now let me just say if you’ve never heard of this or never had it done to your dog I am not recommending you try it yourself. Just an FYI, not all dogs grow copious amounts of hair in their ears.

I’ve dedicated a bit of time in trying to figure this out and I’m here in an attempt to inform both pet owners and pet groomers as to what I found. I’ve read numerous articles and reached out to some local vets. What I have decided so far is that plucking is not necessarily for everyone, but it is not so black and white. Some dogs do seem to need it and some do not.

With what I’ve read, I’ve determined that you only pluck if the dog has recurring ear infections and has been advised by the veterinarian to have the dogs ears plucked. If your dog does not have recurring ear infections, red or inflamed ears then it is not doing anything. It kinda goes with the old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” When your pets ears and immune system are functioning properly there is no need to pluck. If your dog gets chronic ear infections, the idea behind plucking is that it can’t get any worse, it can clear a pathway for your veterinarian to get a better look into the ear canal and it can make it easier for medication to reach the places it needs to.

In an article written for The University of Illinois – College of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor Amelia White says, “I also recommend not to pluck the hair from the ear canals of dogs during grooming, as this creates inflammation within the canal that often leads to secondary infections, if you are concerned about the routine care plan for the ears of your pet, I always recommend discussing this with your veterinarian in order to develop the best health plan for the pet.” Some evidence suggests that by plucking your dogs ears this can cause small micro-inflammation in the hair follicles. Micro inflammation can lead to the immune system having difficulty fighting infection and bacteria. Thus further creating a problem where there was once none.

After this research I’ve decided that in my salon, unless there is a vet recommendation to pluck the ears, no ears will be plucked. I will trim the ear hair as leaving it to grow wild and free only will permit this hair to become matted and cause damage to the ear. Leaving an ear canal to be matted can also cause bacteria growth and in turn will cause an infection. I hope this shed a little light on the subject of ear plucking for those who were unsure and hopefully you’ll no longer be wondering, what the pluck!?


That time I wrote my first blog post…

Who am I?

This is a question I still ask myself pretty frequently. Usually it leads to me feeling pretty much the same way Lily’s face looks in this photo. My name is Haley Bennett, I live in Northern Kentucky and I am a dog groomer. Now that you know the basics – let’s dive in. My dog career started in 2013 in a kennel and haven’t stopped since! I live, eat and breathe dogs and dog grooming. My plan is to use this blog to document my journey as a salon owner, a dog groomer and competitor, and just a human. We’re gonna go over the good, the bad and the furry. Strap in and get ready because we’re in for a ruff ride! 😉 I’m still learning about myself every day and I hope you’re looking to learn a little too. I will be talking about various dog grooming subject (like products and events), the aspects of dog ownership, salon ownership and probably a little bit of just my regular life. If you care to stay tuned and stay in touch hit that subscribe button down below for an alert for every new post. I’m not sure yet how often or when I’m gonna post! Thanks for coming this far! -poochiemama

Ten things to gift the Groomer in your life!

Do you know a groomer? Maybe they’re your sibling, or maybe a friend, or maybe you’re an astronomically generous client during the holidays. Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out what to gift them. Worry no more! I’m here to help! We’re going to go over the ten best gifts for groomers, ranging from grooming accessories to life essentials! (and don’t worry, links are included!)

  • Hair Resistant Leggings

These are something relatively new but their immaturity does not equate their effectiveness. There are a few brands out there, varying in prices from $40 to $99! I have not yet had the chance to try these babies out, but they have rave reviews.

  • Wide blades

Another newbie – these come in many different sizes. When grooming you typically need regular blades and snap on combs! Luckily there are wide blade versions of both! I will list below which ones you need!

The most common blades that can be used stand alone and would be used frequently are; #4, #5, and #7 blades. If you’re a go big or go home kinda person, you could always get a 30 blade and snap on combs OR you could get the 30 blade and snap on combs together! This can be a little more pricey but hey, I’m not judgin’. The blades linked above are all the lower price version of each blade or comb set and are linked from both AGS and Zolitta. I have heard great things from both! (not one complaint honestly.)

  • A Massage

I feel like this one is pretty self explanatory 😉 We are on our feet all day and constantly working our body! What better gift than the gift of relaxation!

  • Gift Cards

With this one – the opportunities are endless! Need some direction? Here are a few ideas that any groomer would enjoy!

  • Amazon
  • Food (bonus points if they deliver)
  • Dinner
  • Grooming accessories (more info about these at the bottom!)
  • Ryan’s Pet Supplies
  • Grocery Store
  • Liquor store (am i joking? maybe… maybe not…)
  • Products

This section is about to be a detailed one! I’m gonna list quite a few products so hang on tight!

  • Brush or Comb

My absolute favorite and number one recommendation brush-wise is going to be Chris Christensen Big G Large Slicker. I’ve also heard good things about this funky drying brush. I’ve heard it’s great for those dogs that don’t tolerate facial drying. As for combs – you can’t go wrong with any from Utsumi.

  • Food or coffee

This one doesn’t require too much explanation either. I know the holidays are crazy so sometimes it’s nice to be surprised with a snack or some coffee. It really just is another level of happiness when someone was thinking about you enough to stop for a gift on their way to you!

  • Shears

So with shears, there is a wide range in pricing. Some are quite cheap (with reason) and some can be over $300. What I’m going to do is list a couple sites that have great shears. Practically anything from the sites below will be worth it!

(Just tap the name to be transferred to the site)

  • Apparel

Things like aprons and smocks are wonderful as well! Great ones can be purchased through LadyBird and Max and Molly! I’ve also heard a lot of good things from groomers in regards to Crocs as well! Last but not least in the apparel zone – hair ties! You know, scrunchies or pony tail holders? I can never have enough of these!

  • Dog Accessorizing

This one is one of my favorites, really. In my mind, accessories are anything from bowties, neck ties, bandanas, bows, nail polishing, hair feathers, really anything that adds a little flare to your groom. Personally I love getting bows from Bardel Bows, I’ve heard lots of good things in regards to DMK Bowtique as well! DMK has some really cute nail wraps too! I love anything color from Opawz. If the groomer you know is a creative one, I’m certain they’d love anything from these sellers!

Hopefully this list helped you figure out how to find the best gift for the groomer you know! Maybe not, maybe you’re a groomer that wants to get the good stuff this year 😉 Go ahead and share. Maybe you’ll finally get those shears you’ve been waiting for.

That time I went to Safari’s Palmetto Groom…

Liberty Bell takes second!

It was a crisp winter morning… Actually no, it wasn’t. It was humid and rainy and it stayed that way for most of the trip. Although, this was no foreshadowing as to how the weekend would go. Around August or September of last year I decided 2020 would be the year I started competing. So the first competition in the lineup turned out to be Safari’s Palmetto Groom. Now at this point some may be asking, what the heck is a Safari Palmetto Groom? It sounds like a some kind of exotic trip with grooming involved maybe? Well you guessed wrong! SPG (we’ll abbreviate for the sake of time) is a multi-grooming competition and trade show event. Many events like these are created for groomers across the country (as well as out of the country) as a place for groomers to learn, network and compete with each other. Many groomers attend these shows from many different states and sometimes other countries as well. As a groomer, if you’ve never had the chance to attend a trade show/competition 10/10 would recommend. Even if you aren’t competing – attending one of these shows is something that is almost indescribable.

We will start with Safari’s show! First of all, let me just say this is one of the most beautiful resorts I have seen in a while and I’ve travelled to a few places. It’s hidden deep in a forest of Spanish moss dangling from the aged trees. Amongst the trees and moss sits a cozy golf course – typical with Hilton Head, South Carolina. It almost feels as though you’re being taken into another realm as you separate from the hustle and bustle of downtown Hilton Head. Though, all of a sudden you are introduced to The Westin Hilton Head Island Resort & Spa. Greeted by fountains and a beautiful lobby. If you make it to the back (like I did since I followed one girl outside because she seemed to know where she was going) you are face to face with beautiful pools and the ocean as well. I don’t know how you feel about the beach but whenever I get to breathe beach air it fills my lungs in a heavy but still lifting the weight from your shoulders, type of way.

Let’s get back into the hotel though. I ended up staying in an AirBnb and wishing I had made the decision to stay in the hotel because even with all the extra space – I could’ve stayed on the ocean for the same price and got to vacation on the beach a bit more. The ballroom for the tradeshow and competition was wonderful. It was extremely roomy, well ventilated and everything was comfortably separate. So the whole show started on Friday January the tenth, I didn’t arrive until about 6:30 that evening. I competed Saturday morning and afternoon as well. We stopped by Walmart to grab some towels and then ordered some Italian takeout from “Guiseppe’s Pizza & Pasta.” Aside from taking an hour to get to us, it was pretty good! We had chicken alfredo and pizza and maybe some wings too. Saturday started at about 4:00 a.m. so we got out of bed and got ready to go! I arrived at the resort at about 5:00 ready to prep Libby and then my sister would be prepping Opal later. Libby was ready to go at about 7:15 (I think… I’m not sure I was fully awake yet..) we checked in, got our before photos and then received our contest bag. At 8:00 Libby and I started our journey into our first Sporting Class competition.

Libby patiently waiting for me to get a move on

After the time was called, awards were given and we won second place in Entry Division! I’m still in shock as to how that happened but I am so grateful! After you compete you are sent to take your ‘after’ photos and then you can stick around for critiques if you’d like! So we went to the photo booth and then received our critiques from our judge, Nicole Kallish. After you get your photos and critiques you also have the option to purchase your before and afters – which of course I did.

After Libby competed, it was Opal’s turn as soon as possible afterwards. Thanks to my sister, she was prepped and ready to go at 12:00. I got rechecked in and returned to the table I had before! Unfortunately we didn’t place (Melanie killed it) but I learned that there is a lot to improve on and we have plenty of time before Atlanta Pet Fair in March. 😉 I also really need to work on those topknot skills before I get too crazy. After running on fumes all day we headed back to the Airbnb and hung out for a little while before getting some dinner at a burger joint called, “Fat Patties.” They had some pretty tasty/juicy burgers with wonderful ice cream. I built my own burger, and then enjoyed some s’mores ice cream to finish. The next day it was a little bit more relaxed. We retrieved some shampoo, bows from Bardel Bows and Chris Christensen brushes from the tradeshow. It was a wonderful trip packed with lots of fun and tons of learning. I would love to come back next year to spend time at this wonderful location and chat with more of the lovely people I met. Oh and I’ll definitely stop at “Corner Perk” for Sunday breakfast next time as well!

Until next year


That time I opened a grooming salon…

Since I’ve started grooming dogs, I’ve dreamed of opening a grooming salon. On April 1st of 2019 I managed to do just that. I wake up day in and day out lucky enough to say I’m living my dream. I am so grateful to be able to be my own boss and provide dogs with the expert level of care they deserve. From the time I was young I’ve had a passion for animals. Of course the go-to plan was a veterinarian. Though not long after I started high school it became clear that there were other plans. All throughout high school I was determined to follow a career in music (still unsure as to what that would be). I did every singing related extra curricular my heart could handle. At one point I even went to a performing arts school! After I graduated high school I started my first salon job. I worked as a bather from 2015 until 2017. I worked under (to this day) one of the most influential people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. I credit her for the reason I am where I am today. I hope at some point I can have half the strength and sass that she does.

In 2017 I went to NASH Academy in Lexington, Kentucky. I started in May and graduated in early September (if I remember right). I’ll never forget my first day. I had already been a bather so we jumped right into the paw pads and sanitary (of course the dog had balls) . Both of these things I had never done before! I felt like a whole other person was awakened in me when I got to use my clippers for the first time. I loved every second of school – even days when you had a dog that pooped in the kennel three times even after going out to potty, and shaving a pelted dog. The appreciation in the dogs eyes when you finally finish grooming him after he’s been a pelted mat is a look I don’t think I’ll ever feel unaffected by.

I landed my first big girl job in October 2017 with a daycare/boarding center. Then in February of 2019 I found the salon. At this point I started the salon with a friend of mine, though we have since separated. The salon was previously run by a group of three wonderful ladies. It was “Especially Dogs” and is now “A Diamond in the Ruff.” These ladies worked this business for 28 years and their salon was booked out for months. I remember how they still talked about the salon and talked about our ideas with light in their eyes.

There was a grooming table that was in the salon that probably weighed an easy 300 pounds. It was made from a barbers chair and with my naive eyes I didn’t know why they had such a thing. We couldn’t figure out what to do with it because it was so awkward and heavy so we (it hurts to say this) broke it and threw it out. Months later I kicked myself SO HARD. This piece of art was later discussed in an article in Groomer to Groomer” Magazine. (<— article linked) It turned out that this was not a random creation. These were the first electric tables that groomers had – they took the time to create raising/lowering tables with a barbers chair. Who’da thunk??? I swear when I tell you I think about that table and regret getting rid of it months later, I’m not exaggerating.

Every day since opening this salon I have not gone without a lesson. Whether it’s to cherish what (or maybe who) you think is unimportant.. or just don’t throw away the damn grooming table… I have been fortunate enough to have the ability to wake up, struggle, learn and continue doing it day in and day out every day. I would not trade it for the world and I cant wait to do it again tomorrow.


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